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KTR - Live TV from Dushanbe, Tajikistan

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KTR, officially known as the Television and Radio Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (Кумитаи телевизион ва радиои назди Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон), is the state-controlled broadcasting organization headquartered in Dushanbe. It operates a diverse range of television channels, including TV Tojikiston, TV Safina, and TV Bahoriston, among others. Live broadcasts by KTR are available through Teleradiocom, the official online streaming service of the Republic of Tajikistan, which offers live streams of both nationwide and regional channels.

You can watch online broadcasts of the following TV channels, including those operated by KTR, on Teleradiocom ( ⇒ ОНЛАЙН ТВscroll downselect any channel ).

TV Tojikiston (TVT / Телевизиони Тоҷикистон / ТВТ): KTR's flagship channel
TV Safina (ТВ Сафина): Cultural channel
TV Bahoriston (ТВ Баҳористон): Children and youth-oriented channel
TV Jahonnamo (ТВ Ҷаҳоннамо): News and information channel
Varzish TV (ТВ Варзиш): Sports channel
TV Sinamo (ТВ Синамо): Movie channel
TV Futbol (ТВ Футбол / Футбол HD): Football channel
TV Shahnavoz (ТВ Шаҳнавоз): Music channel
TV Tourism and Folk Crafts (ТВ Сайёҳӣ ва ҳунарҳои мардумӣ): TV Sayohi
TV Science and Nature (ТВ Илм ва табиат)
Dushanbe HD (Душанбе HD): Regional TV for Dushanbe
TV Khatlon (ТВ Хатлон): Regional TV for the Khatlon Region
TV Badakhshan (ТВ Бадахшон): Regional TV for the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region
TV Kulob (ТВ Кӯлоб): Regional TV based in Kulob, Khatlon Region
TV Sughd (ТВ Сугд): Regional TV for the Sughd Region

TV Channels

Live Streaming / Videos Live Website
KTR (Teleradiocom Official) [ 15 channels ] LIVE

TV Information


Televizioni Tojikiston (TVT / ТВТ),

TV Safina (ТВ Сафина, YouTube)

TV Bahoriston (ТВ Баҳористон, YouTube)

TV Jahonnamo (ТВ Ҷаҳоннамо)

Varzish TV (ТВ Варзиш, YouTube)

TV Sinamo (ТВ Синамо)

TV Futbol (ТВ Футбол / Футбол HD)

TV Shahnavaz (ТВ Шаҳнавоз)

TV Dushanbe (ТВ Душанбе, YouTube)

TV Khatlon (ТВ Хатлон, YouTube)

TV Badakhshan (ТВ Бадахшон)

TV Kulob (ТВ Кӯлоб)

TV Tourism and Folk Crafts (ТВ Сайёҳӣ ва ҳунарҳои мардумӣ / TV Sayohi, YouTube)

TV Science and Nature (ТВ Илм ва табиат, YouTube)

Teleradiocom (official TV streaming service of Tajikistan)
Tajik, Russian
Live Stream / Video
Country / Location
Home > Asia > Tajikistan

Home > Asia > Tajikistan